Our Story

Rocky Coast Riders Snowmobile Club, formerly known as Royal River Snowmobile Club, is one of Maine's oldest snowmobile clubs, founded in 1973. We proudly maintain 30 miles of well-marked trails across North Yarmouth, Pownal, and Freeport, with the help of dedicated members and volunteers.

Our club collaborates with neighboring towns, landowners, and other local clubs to extend and improve the trail system. We focus on maintaining trails, coordinating with landowners and municipalities, updating signs, and growing our membership — all while having some fun along the way!

Everyone brings their unique strengths to the group, and we'd love for you to join us.

For more information, find us on Facebook or email us at info@rockycoastriders.com.

In case you’re wondering why we change our club name in 2023…

Changing our name wasn’t an easy decision. Since 1973 our club has been called the Royal River Snowmobile Club. With the increased use of social media, websites, and email there has been increasing confusion with the Royal River Riders Snowmobile Club of New Gloucester, which was established in 1962.

With our names so similar and the towns in such close proximity, there has been confusion with town offices, the Maine Snowmobile Association, and the State of Maine offices which has affected funding, timely communication, and membership. Something had to be done and, since our club was established after the “Riders”, we took it upon ourselves to make the change.

Club Officers


Mark Bradeen


Ed McAloney

Trail Master

Alex Rose


Ken Taplin


Scott Pollock